Letter from The Weasel Dear Friends, By the time you read this, my new www site should be up! Right now, it is located on one OC-12 line, but in the very near future (3 months or so) it will be on four Ds3's! (180 mbps) Unless you have multiple T3's, you will max out on your downloads. I just want to quickly clear up why I included "How to be a Pirate" by Zeus. I myself do not condone or practice software piracy, but I am not opposed to it. I understand that most pirates cannot afford to pay for the software they pirate anyway, so software companies are not losing money. (Try and tell that to SPA) Zeus is a good friend of mine and his article is very well written and informative. I hope you can learn something from him. Also, I am looking for a new icon for this magazine. Nothing like the one I have now. Let your imaginations run wild!!! I hope Christmas for you and yours went well and have a Happy New Year! Cheers, The Weasel